Registrations for 2024-5
Please note that these registrations are for the main league season NOT the Lawrence Wheatley competition for which Ray Collett will prepare a list for secrearies and captains later in the season.
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Please note that these registrations are for the main league season NOT the Lawrence Wheatley competition for which Ray Collett will prepare a list for secrearies and captains later in the season.
New names can be added thoughout the season by request and sent to both the Web Editor and Paul Sharratt (Leagues controller).
Provisional, P, ratings are considered unreliable because they are based on very small numbers of results. Please consult the controller to agree an assigned rating for play in WCA events if a new player does no K or A rating for either standard or rapidplay. Where a player has only a K or A standardplay or rapidplay rating, that rating will be used for the missing one.
Players with reliable ECF 'original' August 2024 ratings - that is A or K ratings shown in blue on the ECF ratings list - are used by WCA for the whole season. Letters after grades have the following meanings: s-standard play, r-rapidplay, w-WCA rating assigned by the controller for play in WCA events for both standard and rapidplay. The suffix sr used is for a player who has a reliable rating for either standardplay or rapidplay, but not both. In such cases the player’s rating will be used in the Worcestershire League for both standardplay and rapidplay leagues. TBA indicates that a rating has yet to be allocated by the controller. New means the player is not listed in the ECF rating database.
Captain's and secretaries please note that league players should be members of the ECF and any nonmember of the ECF who plays more than 3 games in the league will incur a fee of £20 from their club.
Team captain John Edge
Players: Banks, Peter S (165118D,1538s 1559r); Cooper, David M (108830A, 1986sr); Cutajar, Bernard (370105A, TBA); Edge, John A (110076C, 2037sr); Evans, Paul J (270858K, 1701s, 1602r); Fishburne, Stewart K (110611K, 2023sr); Haddon, Chris (275233F, TBA); Hadley, Mike (160573C, 1858sr); Hazell, Franklin (359816A, 1383sr); Hoogenkamp, Marko (344607E, 1168sr); Jackson, Dale (113429C, 1830sr); Adrian A Priest (117447C, 1804s, 1831r); Quinn, Keith (TBA); Roberts, David (313666J, TBA); Sheehan-Ford, Tyler (360400H, 1293sr); Southcote, John (266330C, 1547s); Anthony (Tony) Stokes (172188E, 1651s, 1664r); Swannie, Peter (369927E, TBA); Anthony (Tony) Taylor (192111D, 1349s, 1328r); Wood, Tod (369928G, TBA). Last updated 15 Sep 2024.
Secretary David Waud. Team captains: Championship Joe Friar; ChallengersTerry Pountney; John Wrench rapidplay.
Barton, Luke (349801D, 1596sr); Bissell, Maurice (106812L, 1730sr); Charlton, Mike (new, TBA); Close, David (242437L, 1731sr); Eaton, Alex (251814E, 1715s, 1609r); Friar, Joe (275633L, 2114s 2095r); Grala, Tomasz (349111A , 1563sr); Haycock, Jay (NEW); Henry, Cameron (310843A, 1313s, 1189r); Kitchen, Michael (183526K, 1489sr); Pountney, Terrance (183529E, 1382sr); Preece, Alan (292864E, 1683sr); Relph, George (369794A, 1600w); Riley, Mark (117964A, 1690s, 1575r); Shaw, Ewan (349927D, 1300w); Spowart, David (277850G, 1775s, 1653r); Thomas, Paul (120284E, 1360sr); Tinley, Simon (359972D, 1669sr); Tuite, Ronan (322058J, 1200w); Varilone, John (178102K, 1606s, 1585r); Waud, David (303821L, 1724sr); Whitehead, John (295364L, 1638w); Wilkes, Brandon (359972D, 1625w); Wrench, John (127123E, 1976s, 1851r); Yates, Tim (127209D, 1500w). Last update 20 January 2025.
Secretary Steve Crees
Aggerwal, Brij (New, TBA) Angel, Elias (352410D, 1420s); Beech, Leigh (new, TBA); Bethel, Mark (106679B 1810s); Bignall, Paul (Spike) (314809K, 1458s, 1384r); Blanch, Austen (368948H, TBA); Boyle, Anthony (125717B, TBA); Cartwright, Gavin (182425K, 1889s, 1850r); Clarke, Matt (373762H, TBA); Collett, Richard (108620A, 1391s, 1334r); Crees, Steve (307486K, 1719s, 1404r); Cummins, Jordan (34155L, 1500s, 1600r); Davies, Robert (342930B, 1717s, 1571r); Gerrish, Tom (275166F, TBA); Haines, Ben (New, TBA); Heeney, Paul (270897J, 1459s, 1313r); Hughes, Peter (270857H, 1433s, 1267r); Hurney, Kevin (129898H, 2037, 2054r); Lawrence, Peter (106679B, 1704s, 1643r); Lodge, Freya (363425F, TBA); Maddocks, Phil (104371H, 1782s, 1740r); Mutagekar, Chetan (364404C, TBA); Nguyen, Nam Anh (313902F, 1439s, 1306r); Northcott, Ken (New, TBA); Rankin, Tom (New, TBA); Scott, Kevin ((369496D, TBA); Shurvinton, Elliott (New, TBA); Sherwood, Tom (320374J, 1428w); Street, Gary (366503D, TBA); Swindells, Jonathan (148210F, 2248s); Tipper, Andy (320637D, 1318s, 1300r); Truscott, Ian (120615B, 1569s, 1540r); Wallace, Marvin (221516A, TBA); Walsh, Marcus (303138L, 1912s); Whiley, Joe (366926K, TBA); Whitmore, Darren ((16525F, 1882s,1799r); Woodhouse, Monty (298350D, TBA); Woodhouse, Stephen (127046B, 1790s, 1714r). Last updated 5 February 2025. Controller has been asked to approve estimated ratings for new players(TBA) and those who do not have a K rating.
Secretary Brian Turner. Team captains: Brian Turner Championship League; John Knee, Challengers’ League.
Allsop, James (339143C, 1652s, 1484r); Roger Arris (152123J, 1668sr); Canham, Leigh (291071J, 1836sr); Charman, George (343659H, 1881sr); Chester, John (274837L, 1733sr); Clarke, Ian J (139005D, 1920sr); Clarke, Joshua (318791D, 1842s, 1626r); Davis, Lee (109427A, 2031sr); Herbert, Geoffrey M (157338L, 1838sr); Hill, Jon (366910F, TBA); Jordan, Matthew (292990K, 1757sr); Lappin, Kieran A (104355K, 1731sr); Spedding, Henry (369028D, 1779sr); Turner, Brian (120670K, 1962sr); Woron, Miroslaw (317456G, 1561sr). Last updated 20 January 2025.
Team captains Dan Lambourne Championship League; David Smith Challengers’ League, Wheatley Cup and Rapidplay 1 League; Giles Stanton Worc & Dist League and u1650 Rapidplay League.
Attwell, Ben (360266H, 1846sr); Carter, Robert (Bob) (251377J, 1505s, 1388r); Clack, Ian A (108369H, 1533s, 1460r); Cole, Jason (128813B, 1665w); Crane, Mark (323153H, 905s 851r); Delaney, Jacob (373735E, 1663); Downie, Daniel (353306C, 1308s, 1501r); Evans, Harry G (315611E, 1978s, 1980r); Hosken, Nigel (113031G, 2071s 2106r); Lambourne, Daniel M (259447L, 2077s 2111r); Lloyd, Simon (367605F, 1350w); Lowe, Terry (366088G, 1450w); McCormack (368971H, 1000w); Porton, Eddy (340375A, 1303s, 1106r); Reed, Antonia (Toni) T (299115K, 1534s, 1623r); Rimmington, Anthony (321408E, 1536s, 1456r); Russell, Scott (319118H, 1712s 1644r); Shore, Joel (369972K, 1700w); Smith, David (281549H, 1864s, 1744r); Stanton, T Giles (172186A, 1523s 1503r); Steward, Jamie (322037A, 1530s, 1526r); Tipping, Joe (369856H, 1400w); Towers, Nigel S (165392B, 1837s 1792r) Vaughan, Jonathon (139684F, 2067sr); Whitten, Andrew S (121574H, 1656s, 1639r); Wood, Mark (364467E, 1425w), Zbircea, Mihai Horia (316137H, 1783s, 1844r). Last updated 11 Oct 2024.
Secretary Paul Sharratt
Adams, Che (New, TBA); Alcock, Steve (286194L, 1479s); Berridge, Martin (291964D, 1692s); Bradley, Sam (292866J, 1646s); ConwayLees, Joe (331568L, 1865s); Doran, Ben (343954F, 1322s); Evans Christopher (143240A, 1706s); Evans, Ron (194072H, 1545s); Fallowfield, Nicholas (128865K, 1930s); Foxall, John (110841E, 1754s); Horwill, Eric (113026C, 1637s, 1725r); Humphries, Jeremy (266351L, 1555w); Parkes, Gregory (345581G 1580s); Pendrous, Jon (364119D, 1450w); Sharratt, Paul (118792C, 1729s, 1546r); Tennant, Trevor (314888K, 1150w); Wilkinson, Richard (139811J, 1594s); Wilson, Julie (170913G, 1724s, 1626r); Woodall, Colin (282658G, 1428s). Last updated 9 February 2023.
Secretary Ray Collett. Team captains: Rob Sutton Championship League; Scott Oxtoby Rooks team; Aiden Griffiths Bishops team; Chris Lee Knights team; Paul Serafini Pawns team.
Austin, Phil (105984B, 1734s, 1733r); Berry, Simon (312703F, 1477s, 1362r); Brazier, Alfie (365627F, 1460w); Cleak, David (295458J, 1545s, 1554r); Collett, Ray 108621C (1798s, 1807r); Conway, Sean (340629F, 1350w); Elsden, Luke (362081F, 1300w); Farthing, Andrew (267733H, 1750w); Flynn, Seamus (351428G, 1627sr); Gilhooly, Andy ( 349489F, 1527sr); Gorbunov, Viktor (NEW, 1500w); Griffiths, Aiden (349374L, 1408s, 1541r); Hayles, Robin (313618J, 1726sr); Hesketh, John (291296L, 1314sr); Higgs, Edward (360593A, 1856sr); Jones, Chris (NEW, 800w); Keene, Jim (135818C, 1743r); Kirkland, Arnold (128994K, 1523sr); Kitson, Peter (127645B, 2022sr); Lee, Chris (240704J, 1591s, 1727r); Luca, Dorin (364353A, 1846sr); Maclean, Scott (NEW, 1400w); Mellor, Stephen (230883G, 2033s, 2137r); Montiero, Arianne (NEW, 1300w); Monteiro, Oswaldo (NEW); Nicholls, Alex (369479D, 1450w); Nicholls, Doug ( 329446J, 1300w); Nicholls, Stephen (298193C, 1350w); Olden, Jacques (360106H, 1790w); Osbourn, Ed (282451G, 1982sr); Oxtoby, Scott (343915L, 1714s, 1630r); Pereira, Gabriel (NEW, 1500w), Rastall, Joe (306497K, 1929s, 1973r); Rendle, Hugh (346589F, 1409w); Sai Rentachintala (373853L, 1200w)), Serafini, Paul (259363E, 1520w); Shaw, Tony (248737J, 1686s, 1624r); Smith, Phil (278546J, 1484sr); Sorrell, Keith (355561G, 1520w); Stokes, Dominic (NEW, 800w); Sutton, Rob (285049H, 1712s, 1750r); Thomas, Samuel (352191G, 1302sr); Vernon, Colin (269827E, 1397s, 1287r); Walkowiak, Rob (289043E, 1320w). Last updated 27 Feb 2025.
All rights reserved © 2024-5 Worcestershire Chess Association