Worcestershire Chess Association |
Worcs CA | County Teams | County Match Archive | ||
2024-5 season county match results |
8 Feb 2025. Worcestershire played this match postponed from December at home in Droitwich. Warwickshire players on odd-numbered boards had the white pieces.
Board | Ref | Rating | Worcestershire | Score | Score | Warwickshire | Ref | Rating |
1 | 1629 (1710) | Varilone, John F | ½ | ½ | Pitt, Chris W | 1646 (1628) | ||
2 | 1571 (1672) | Ware, Adam | 1 | 0 | Allen, Matthew | 1585 (1603) | ||
3 | 1610 (1613) | Barton, Luke | 1 | 0 | Asbury, Jon A | 1537 (1607) | ||
4 | 1537 (1610) | Wilkes, Brandon | 1 | 0 | Stiff, Peter | 1535 (1529) | ||
5 | 1446 (1606) | Nicholls, Alex P | 0 | 1 | Davies, Paul | 1532 (1521) | ||
6 | 1591 (1577) | Lee, Chris | ½ | ½ | Warden, Mike | 1522 (1469) | ||
7 | 1551 (1635) | Jones, Daniel L | 1 | 0 | Khunda, Deema | 1472 (1442) | ||
8 | 1531 (1544) | Cleak, David | ½ | ½ | Wood, Penny A | 1468 (1441) | ||
9 | 1585 (1552) | Horwill, Eric | ½ | ½ | Buxton, Richard | 1457 (1472) | ||
10 | 1568 (1543) | Truscott, Ian M | 0 | 1 | Reason, Mark | 1360 (1197) | ||
11 | 1531 (1527) | Stanton, T Giles | 1 | 0 | Payne, Simon L | 1254 (1255) | ||
12 | 1516 (1521) | Kirkland, Arnold G | 1 | 0 | Default | - | ||
Totals | 8 | 4 |
8 Feb 2025. Worcestershire travelled to a neutral venue at East Goscote, Leics to play Lincolnshire in the last match of the season for the Midland team Championship.
Board | Rating | Lincolnshire | Score | Worcestershire | Rating |
1 | 2098 (2158) | Klimchik, Alexandr | ½ - ½ | Friar, Joseph D | 2117 (2135) |
2 | 2142 (2146) | Willson, Ollie | 1 - 0 | Lambourne, Daniel M | 2077 (2043) |
3 | 2175 (2129) | Cumbers, Paul | 1 - 0 | Kitson, Peter R | 2022 (2031) |
4 | 2151 (2126) | Prior, Stephen CV | ½ - ½ | Davis, Lee | 2025 (2036) |
5 | 2111 (2119) | Stead, Nick P | ½ - ½ | Gillings, Matt | 0000 () |
6 | 2124 (2115) | Birtwistle, Nigel | 1 - 0 | Evans, Harry G | 1982 (2008) |
7 | 2047 (2067) | Coates, David H | ½ - ½ | Hurney, Kevin | 2037 (2022) |
8 | 1910 (1939) | Taylor, Robert K | 1 - 0 | Edge, John A | 2037 (2008) |
9 | 1878 (1890) | Hebert, R Andrew | 1 - 0 | Turner, Brian | 1950 (1975) |
10 | 1871 (1889) | Thompson, Daniel | 0 - 1 | Rastall, Joe | 1932 (1939) |
11 | 1864 (1864) | Gibbon, Eric | 0 - 1 | Walsh, Marcus | 1912 (1904) |
12 | 1850 (1845) | MacDonald, Stuart | 1 - 0 | Attwell, Ben | 1846 (1913) |
Totals | 8 - 4 |
23 Nov 2024. Worcestershire u1650 travelled to Acton Trussell Community Centre, Stafford for their away fixture on a stormy 23 November. Staffordshire had white on odd numbered boards. Boards 11 and 12 were reserved for players rated under 1450.
Board | Ref | Rating | Staffordshire | Score | Score | Worcestershire | Ref | Rating |
1 | 166595K | 1645 | Rosser, Geofrey C | 0 | 1 | Varilone, John | 178102K | 1629 |
2 | 178103A | 1628 | Blackburn, Jon EW | 1 | 0 | Nicholls, Alex | 369479D | 1590P |
3 | 297490D | 1638 | Gissi, Alberto | ½ | ½ | Horwill, Eric | 113026C | 1585 |
4 | 266803J | 1590 | Emmerton, Steve | ½ | ½ | Lee, Chris | 240704J | 1569 |
5 | 133519E | 1587 | Fancourt, Leslie | ½ | ½ | Wilkes, Brandon | 364048G | 1536 |
6 | 351652A | 1579 | Kimberley, Bill | 1 | 0 | Serafini, Paul | 259363E | 1536 |
7 | 178127D | 1562 | Blackburn, Sandra G | ½ | ½ | Stanton, Giles | 172186A | 1531 |
8 | 341740C | 1561 | Jones, Daniel | 0 | 1 | Cleak, David | 295458J | 1531 |
9 | 316768K | 1483 | Sohi, Aarav | ½ | ½ | Kirkland, Arnold | 128994K | 1516 |
10 | 281856F | 1459 | Barker, David J | ½ | ½ | Adams, Che | 361508L | 1508 |
11 | 361314J | 1425 | Fletcher, Malcolm | 1 | 0 | Loynes, John | 185413G | 1448 |
12 | 351575J | 1382 | Chacko, Albert | 0 | 1 | Griffiths, Aiden | 349374L | 1418 |
Totals | 6 | 6 |
19 Oct 2024. The match was played at Droitwich Methodist Church Hall. Paul Sharratt was non-playing captain and reserve.
Board | Ref | Rating | Worcestershire | Score | Score | Staffordshire | Rating | Ref |
1 | 275633L | 2125 | Friar, Joseph | 1 | 0 | Smith, Andrew | 2162 | 241608G |
2 | 127645B | 2031 | Kitson, Peter | 1 | 0 | Fernando, Vinod | 2091 | 367173C |
3 | 120670K | 1950 | Turner, Brian | 0 | 1 | Mesesan, Mircea | 2006 | 326328K |
4 | 303138L | 1933 | Walsh, Marcus | ½ | ½ | Gaskell, Stephen | 1962 | 344191L |
5 | 306497K | 1930 | Rastall, Joe | 1 | 0 | Bull, Phil | 1874 | 230857F |
6 | 139005D | 1925 | Clarke, Ian | 0 | 1 | Gandhi, Manish | 1841 | 350241H |
7 | 182425K | 1918 | Cartwright, Gavin | 0 | 1 | Varbanov, Varban | 1794 | 349488D |
8 | 360266H | 1876 | Attwell, Ben | ½ | ½ | Sawyer, Ray | 1742 | 319212L |
9 | 360593A | 1870 | Higgs, Ed | 0 | 1 | Taylor, Andrew | 1718 | 346665G |
10 | 165392B | 1847 | Towers, Nigel | 1 | 0 | Hoare, Mike | 1641 | 112760D |
11 | 364353A | 1812 | Luca, Dorin | 1 | 0 | Kimberley, Bill | 1613 | 351652A |
12 | 108621C | 1806 | Collett, Ray | 1 | 0 | Hadley, James | 1340 | 365314G |
Totals | 7 | 5 |
© Worcestershire Chess Association 2024-5 all rights reserved